PAID, URGENT: Native Norwegian speaking spokesperson (35-55 years) for online commercial, Copenhagen
Mænd og kvinder 35 - 55 år, Sjælland

We are looking for a male or female to participate as a spokesperson in short commercial videos. The client operates within the financial sector.
We are recording the videos on Wednesday March 8.
You will receive the script beforehand. Please read the script during your preparation.
Language: Norwegian
Age: 35-55
Salary: Yes. 1.000 DKK
Clothing: Business appropriate
Deadline for applying: Monday, March 6
Date for recording: Wednesday, March 8
Time slots for recording: The recording will last 1,5 hours in total. These are the available time slots 13:00-14:30 or 15:00-16:30
Studio: The recordings will take place in 2300 København S
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