Mand søges til skoleproduktion, Kalundborg
Mænd 40 - 50 år, Sjælland
'Chickenosaurus' is about a small boy, Villads, who tries to revieve his dead father, by making a dinosaur from a chicken egg. It's a touching and heartwarming story, that explores a childs way of dealing with great loss.
The actor needed is for the kid's scary neighbour, a man they call 'Graveren'. Graveren is between 40-50 years old and live by himself. He's a-social and a loner. He works at a graveyard and spends more time with the dead then the living.
The film will have 5-6 shooting days, between 2.april-12.april.
The movie will be in danish and most of the crew will be danish aswell.
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